What Makes Coffee Acidic? Plus How to Drink Low-Acidity Coffee - Omni

What Makes Coffee Acidic? Plus How to Drink Low-Acidity Coffee

The term “acidity” when talking about coffee can be a bit of a misnomer. This is due in part to the fact that the term does not have one clear cut definition, which causes confusion amongst aspiring coffee drinkers.

Acidity” refers to both the chemical compounds present in roasted beans as well as the flavor notes and sharpness present when sipping on a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Essentially, a minimal amount of acidity goes a long way in providing the perfect flavor profile without risking an upset stomach.

Scientifically, a coffee’s chemical acidity can be measured using the pH scale. On this scale from one to twelve, seven is neutral, anything above seven is basic, and anything below seven is acidic. An average cup of plain, black coffee registers at a five, more acidic than cow’s milk but less acidic than soda.

But what makes coffee acidic? A coffee’s acidity comes from the types of beans used in the brew as well as the process with which the beans were roasted. The two types of coffee beans are arabica and robusta. The main difference between the two beans is that arabica tends to yield higher acidity while robusta tends to yield lower acidity. However, this is not a clear cut distinction: the acidity of either type of bean is also affected by the climate and elevation of the farms where the beans are grown.

OmniBev’s bottled Vietnamese Cold Brew Coffees all utilize the science behind acidity to provide the best flavor profile in every bottle. Every brew is made using an exclusively Robusta bean blend, harvested in the highlands of Dalat, Vietnam. The fields in which the beans are harvested and the roasting process utilized provide a minimally acidic, dominant flavor cold brew which please those who are trying Vietnamese coffee for the first time or the thousandth.

To enjoy low-acidic coffee, one can simply choose a low-acidity roast and brew their beans in whichever method they prefer. Sampling around is the best way to find a preferred acidity level, but in general, adding in a splash of milk or other basic ingredients can help to bring one’s brew to their desired level of acidity.

Cold brew itself tends to be a bit more on the acidic side, but the brewing process yields a sweeter and smoother taste than other methods. Adding in coconut milk or sweetened condensed milk, like used in OmniBev’s signature bottles, allows for a low-acid, high flavor experience in every sip.

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